Registering a business in Serbia is the easiest way to get a residence permit and the tax rates for those wishing to set up a basic business are quite reasonable.
There is a type of business called Preduzetnik which is like a sole-trader or sole-proprietorship. It also allows for a flat tax scheme where taxes are charged as a flat fee and there is no bookkeeping requirement for business expenses. In some cases, this can result in a tax rate of less than 6% for people earning less than 6,000,000RSD (Approx. €50,000).
In order to set up this business you need to visit several different places:
- APR (Government Business Registration Agency)
- A bank to open up a business account
- A stamp maker to create a company stamp
- The tax office to register the business with the tax authorities.
You will also need an address with which to register the business. We can help with that also.